
Top Brand in the segment of Wallbox 2021 and 2022.

The market research company EuPD Research ranks us among the top brands in 2021 and 2022 in the category "Wallbox" based on a survey of installers in the areas of customer choice and distribution. Therefore, we receive the "Top Brand Wallbox Seal 2021" for Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the "Top Brand Wallbox Seal 2022" for Germany.

The strong growth of electromobility is reflected, among other things, by a large number of suppliers of wallbox solutions in Germany. But Wallbox is not Wallbox The e-car owners surveyed in this case are not only particularly satisfied with our wallboxes, but would also recommend them to others.Our eCharge is characterised by particularly intelligent and energy-efficient charging of electric cars in private and public areas.

For many years we have been following the EMobility market developments with all their ups and downs so far.Therefore we are all the more pleased that electromobility has become a stable, up-and-coming industry in which companies that offer top solutions prevail.

SolarProsumerAward 2022/23

Category Wallbox

Based on further surveys conducted by EUPD Research among German prosumers in the areas of:

We are one of the top brands in Germany in terms of brand awareness, product distribution and recommendations. Prosumer is the term used to describe the customer group that consumes the solar power produced by its own photovoltaic system itself (e.g. in the form of a wallbox).

That is why we not only receive the TropBrandAward for the Wallbox category (as mentioned above), but also the SolarProsumerAward 2022/23 in the same category.